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Lab Unit Objectives

  Biology Department's Laboratory Objectives
  Unit 1 /// Unit 2 /// Unit 3 /// Unit 4

The Lab Objectives is a list of all the structures you will need to know for your lab exams! You need to learn and be able to identify all of these structures.

You must be prepared to identify the structures listed in the "Unit Lab Exam Objectives" in multiple formats: wall charts, plastic models, articulated and disarticulated skeletons, and/or dissection specimens. All of these resources are in the lab. (Similar study aids are also available for you to use in the "Learning Center").

Remember, all demonstration objects in the lab are "fair game" and may be used in a lab examination(s). The lab exams are "multiple choice" so on the day of your exam you will need to bring a "clean Scranton" and a number two pencil.

Histology on the Internet


The objective for this course does not include a comprehensive study of histology, however. In each unit you will be required to identify several objects with a compound light microscopic. The links below will take you to Web reference sites where you can search and view a broad range of microscopic images. These links provide both light and electron microscope images.

> Loyola University Medical Educational Network's Web Site  

Tutorial Service for Anatomy Lab Students
Learning Center C112 /// 586.286.2200 (ext 2787)


Welcome to MC3 AP Lab Learning Center's Tutorial Services. Many of the wall charts and models found in your AP Lab are also available for you to use in the library. There are on-site tutors to help you. Before your lab exam, there will be a "practice exam" set up for you in the Learning Center so you can assess your knowledge.

So please stop by the Learning Center to see what we have and introduce yourself to Jeannie. Jeannie and her staff look forward to working with you this semester. Tutorial Schedule for Bio 2710-Winter 2014

These resources are also available for you in the Learning Center. You will need a picture I.D. to check out these resources.

Jeannie Berch
The Living Body Series: Videos
  • 703 Blood
  • 706 Skin Deep (sense receptors)
  • 706 Eye and Ears
  • 707 Hormone Messengers
  • 707 Endocrine System - Body's Regulators
  • 713 Water (Kidney / Excretory)
  • 714 Reproduction - A New Life / Growth of a Fetus
  • 000 Heart Dissection (with diagram)
  • Note:: Bring headphones to listen to videos / you can purchase headphones at front desk.
  Netter's Anatomy and Physiology Atlas
  You can check out this atlas at the front desk and use the atlas in the Learning Center.

Science Department's AP Web Resources


Here you will find a suite of resources developed by the teaching staff at MC3 Science Department . All of these resources are provided to assist you in your studies of anatomy and physiology.

Click Here to Access These Resources